Life Patterns Assessment

The Assessment

Let’s start by identifying the Life Patterns most present in your life.

Rate each of the next 22 statements in terms of how true each is of you on the following 6-point scale:

Scoring Key

1 Completely untrue of me
2 Mostly untrue of me
3 Slightly more true than untrue of me
4 Moderately true of me
5 Mostly true of me
6 Describes me perfectly

Note: First, you'll rate how true the statement was of you as a child (A). If the answer would be different for various times in your childhood, choose the rating that best fits the way you felt in general up until the age of 12.

Then, the question is presented again for you to rate how true each item is of you now, as an adult (B). If your answer would be different for various periods of adult life, choose the rating that best applies to you in the past 6 months.

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