I wanted to say that the course is excellent!. I find that having short explanatory videos are helpful as they do not overwhelm me with information. The explanations as to how there is an adult self and a child self within us, which then results in a reaction that is much greater that may be required for the moment, really resonated with me.
It really made me understand why the reactions are so intense at times, as the child self is now participating in the reaction and saying: "Hey, I am here... I need to be heard."
I have been practicing doing the emotions chart for several years. I do this now as soon as I feel something is off in my body and then I write a letter that I do not send.
It feels like I am able to release the pent up emotions/energy and I feel lighter and better after I am done.
I could not understand before, how just naming feelings, without figuring out why I feel them would help. But I can tell you for sure, that starting to name the feeling will eventually bring memories and other feelings to the level of consciousness. That will then allow you to remember why you may be feeling and reacting in a certain way.
It's a process and it takes practice. But it's easy and at your fingertips anytime you feel something coming up.
I would recommend Zalman Nelson as a therapist and definitely I would recommend his course. Thank you for creating this.